
领导力发展项目, boot camps, and online development opportunities are available for you to complete to build and enhance your resume. 而这些职位是没有报酬的, you will gain experience which is valuable on your resume when applying for paid opportunities. Additionally, you will make contacts with like-minded students locally or from across the country and begin building your professional network.

Review each of the opportunities below and note that some of these opportunities are available during the academic year allowing you then apply for a summer paid internship. Workshops are offered to help you prepare your application for some of these opportunities. Go to Workshop Dates to see if a workshop is available for the specific opportunities which interest you. 如果没有提供研讨会,需要简历申请, 使用下面的简历格式来组织你的简历: 发展机会简历.



澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区学生领导学院(SLI) 培养和激励学生变得积极主动, productive, 以及吸引校园里的领导者, in the workplace, 在社区中. SLI provides students principle-centered leadership education and training through leadership training, 基本技能发展, 参与社区服务, 参加鼓舞人心的演讲, 以及社交机会. 申请截止日期为春季/夏季.




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NASA社区学院航空航天学者(NCAS) builds a diverse future STEM workforce by engaging two-year degree seeking students in authentic learning experiences. NCAS is a blended-learning experience comprised of a five-week online course and a unique NASA experience. 学生们近距离观察NASA的任务, diverse workforce, 和世界一流的设施,学习如何发挥他们的才能, interests, 以及成为未来STEM专业人士的热情. NCAS offers the online course twice a year with NASA experiences happening throughout the year. 申请截止日期为2022年4月6日.



PetSmart暑期体验(西班牙裔大学协会 & Universities)

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PetSmart为学生提供虚拟课程,以增加他们对PetSmart的了解, 提高他们的零售敏锐度, and build their professional development to use as they continue their education and begin their careers.  在现场和自定节奏的会议中听取来自整个业务的领导者的意见. 现场会议分为两个不同的系列: Business Series--Members of PetSmart's leadership team engage weekly to share information on their specific business areas; and Learning Series--Students get the opportunity to continue their education through various learning and development activities. Sessions begin June 21, 2021 现在开始接受报名. LinkTree 


PetSmart释放小组指导计划(与西班牙裔大学协会) & Universities)

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This virtual program is designed to engage students across the country enrolled in post-secondary education. As a mentee, 学生可以期待专业发展, 与工作相关的技能和见解, connections, community, 以及PetSmart行业专家的支持.

Students are matched with some of PetSmart's top associates within: Customer Experience, Digital, Proprietary Brands, Merchandising, and Merch Planning & Allocation. 申请截止日期为2021年5月11日至2021年6月7日.  LinkTree 

西班牙裔大学协会 & 大学(HACU)驻校领导

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The HACU Leaders-in-Residence is a prestigious college program that provides leadership and career development training for students. If selected, you will be designated as a "HACU Leader-in-Residence" at your college and will participate in leadership and career development webinars during the academic year; promote HACU internships and scholarships with faculty on campus, receive a scholarship to attend the HACU Annual Conference in the fall semester (airfare, lodging & 注册提供), and receive a Certificate of Completion and a HACU Student Affiliate Annual Membership. 申请截止日期为六月.




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虚拟学生联邦服务(VSFS)是一个为期9个月的远程实习.S. citizen students, college-level and above, who would like to make a difference in the work of the U.S. government. 自2009年以来,成千上万的“电子实习生”扩大了美国政府的努力.S. government, 在学校远程办公, dorm room, apartment, 当地的图书馆或咖啡馆——无论它们在哪里!

虚拟实习生只从事非机密项目. They report to their mentors at the Department of State and other federal government agencies in the U.S. 并通过电子邮件,电话或视频聊天在世界各地. 申请截止日期为7月.



中央情报局-西班牙裔大学协会 & 大学(CIA-HACU)新兵训练营

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HACU和CIA合作伙伴提供ÉXITO: CIA职业探索训练营. Up to 30 college freshmen are selected to participate in a two-day career exploration event at the CIA facility in the spring. 被选中的学生将获得旅行奖励,以支付活动注册费用, 到华盛顿的往返机票, D.C.活动期间的食宿费用.

学生与CIA招聘经理会面, staff, and organizational leaders and attend workshops and networking activities to learn about the work culture and expectations for pursuing career opportunities with the CIA. 申请截止日期为春季



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The Mayor’s Office Internship Program offers a unique experience to college students seeking to expand their knowledge about municipal government and the City of San Antonio as a whole.

实习职责包括政策研究, 管理职责, 通讯部门支持, community outreach, 构成关系. Interns will mainly assist the Director of Constituent Services with correspondence and resident services but may also be asked to represent the Mayor at board and commission hearings, 社区协会会议, 必要时参加社区活动. 这个机会在秋季、春季和夏季持续一整个学期. 申请截止日期:8月(秋季),12月(春季)和5月(夏季)


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